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Read online - Sustainable Water Developments - Resources, Management, Treatment, Efficiency and Reuse: Membrane Technology for Water and Wastewater Treatment, Energy and Environment 3 (2016, Hardcover) in PDF, FB2, TXT


Realizing that water, energy and food are the three pillars to sustain the growth of human population in the future, this book deals with all the above aspects with particular emphasis on water and energy. In particular, the book addresses applications of membrane science and technology for water and wastewater treatment, energy and environment. The readers are also offered a glimpse into the rapidly growing R & D activities in the ASEAN and the Middle East regions that are emerging as the next generation R & D centers of membrane technologies, especially owing to their need of technology for water and wastewater treatment. Hence, this book will be useful not only for the engineers, scientists, professors and graduate students who are engaged in the R & D activities in this field, but also for those who are interested in the sustainable development of these geographical regions. Thus, it is believed that the book will open up new avenues for the establishment of global collaborations to achieve our common goal of welfare of the human society., With a large population of the ASEAN nations (about 300 million) and their rich natural resources, e.g. agricultural products in Thail∧ petroleum, natural gas and water in Indonesia and Malaysia, sustainable development of the region based on suitable utilization of the valuable resources will have a strong impact on the growth of the entire global economy. This book provides information to assess the quantity and quality of current research and development activities in the ASEAN region, especially on membrane science and technology, which is recognized nowadays as one of the most powerful tools to solve environmental and energy problems. The book also reflects upon the Middle East region, where research on water treatment is growing due to scarcity of water. It will open up a new avenue for the establishment of global collaboration with a view to achieve our common goal of welfare of the human society. Many innovative ideas on the development of membrane science and technology are assembled in this book and readers will find information on the rapidly growing Research and Development activities in the ASEAN and the Middle East regions that are emerging as the next generation research centers of membrane technologies, especially owing to their need of technology for water and wastewater treatment. Hence, this book will be useful not only for the engineers, scientists, professors and graduate students who are engaged in the Research and Development activities of the field, but also for a global audience interested in the sustainable development of these regions. This book consists of 33 chapters in the following six sections: 1: Water and Wastewater Treatment (Novel Membrane Development) 2: Water and Wastewater Treatment (Applications) 3: Water and Wastewater Treatment (Modelling) 4: Membranes for Energy and Environmental Applications (Novel Membrane Development for Gas Separation) 5: Membranes for Environmental and Energy Applications (Gas Separation Application) 6: Membranes for Other Applications As the Section titles indicate, the book is primarily concerned with environmental applications of membrane technology, particularly the treatment of water and wastewater.

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But where do we find water for the soul?Illustrations include not only Ji Cheng's original diagrams but also historical paintings and contemporary photographs of a number of outstanding gardens in the part of East China where Ji Cheng lived and worked., Ji Cheng's great work on garden design, the Yuan Ye or Craft of Gardens , was originally published around 1631 and is the earliest manual of landscape gardening in the Chinese tradition.Like the smartest, craziest teacher you've ever had, Wilkes guides you on an adventure in mathematical creation that will radically change the way you think about math.Ellie Calvin is caught in a dying marriage, and she knows this.To become a good architect requires a passionate dedication to the creative design process.Close-up profiles of birds from across all regions of North America teach you their nesting, breeding, and feeding habits.The book contains nine chapters.When people ask me why I still have hope and energy after all these years, I always say: Because I travel.Eugene Kohn, Victoria Hagan, and Richard Meier.Descriptive region-by-region accounts cover all three destinations in depth, including the off-the-beaten-track island of Rodrigues, located off Mauritius, and all of the islands that make up the three nations and territories.Eleven plant categories, including Annuals, Bulbs, Herbs, Vegetables, Houseplants, Lawns, Perennials, Roses, Shrubs, and Trees.Concluding chapters give up-to-date information on industrial agriculture, invasive plants, conservation of wild plant biodiversity and endangered species, and conservation of crop genetic resources.